12-24TH APRIL 2010

Click here for PODCAST of the Ditty

By Brittany boat to Santander
With Robert and Paddy as crew
Hamish back home with Miranda
We’re off - the old team of two!

No Tango to be had in Laredo
Not asked for - but back came the same;
Pin-ups, but not for libido,
Cyclists Sarah and Emma became.

[Sarah Lintern we met towards the end of LEJOG - which she did on her own, with panniers. Emma Lupton and her neighbour Tony did both JOGLE and Santander to Roscoff before us, also with panniers!]

Sarah Lintern, Nigel and Clive on LEJOG




Today we climbed 4000 feet
Crossed the Rio by gondola bridge;
Struggled to fix a sticking cleat;
Found Funukular steep as a ridge.

Hearts did sink when on arrival
No sign of roadie was seen;
Nearly tried to contact Nigel
But waiting for unlocking they’d been!

Paddy’s highlight was in Gernika -
Alarmed the car with him still in -
Feigning sleep despite the panic’a
Psychic sorbet - his alcohol SIN !

Castro Urdiales

R N C S S was fine,
Following clothes inspection.
All the lads stood in a line
Before moving in that direction.

Drinks and tapas had we there
Till Paddy’s needs began to loom
Off he went - down the stair
To find the ladies’ changing room!

Roadies said they swam in the sea
Then played frisbee on the beach;
Found the Kursaal in the lee
That luck you just can’t teach.

Paddy chatted a traffic goddess
thought he was nearly winning
But finding that his gains were modest
Went back to CONning and SINning.

Coffee on the Spansih Corniche

San Sebastian marina

Coastal corniche was fantastic
Almost shades of Chapman.
Roadies choc stop was surrealistic
We thought it never did happen!

Talking of luck, today we found
Rob had beaten the Casino;
He’d gone in with about a pound
Come out with 250 Euro!

So lunch on Rob at Biarritz
After dicing with the Tunnel -
Lanes of lorries had had us in fits
We needed feeding to the gunwhale.

Clive today is wearing Skins
Revelling in the illusion;
Thinks about Who dares Wins -
Must temper his confusion!
Forest track
From Hossegor up to le Teich
Miles and miles then forest track.
Finally left alone upon our bike -
Carrying two days kit on our back.
Balancing act
Caught the ferry from Pointe de Graves
The crossing over Osmosoft.
The petit Bac our journey halves;
Saw US tanks brought from the loft.
Tank at Royan
Synchronised like a well-oiled clock -
M-J and Miranda picked up the key
Of car left by Rob at Roscoff dock
And drove it south to meet for tea.
Petit bac
Day trip with the girls to la Rochelle,
Learned of the sad devastation,
Tempestuous winds and tides from hell
The Island of Ré - trifurcation.
La Rochelle
With Paddy, we’d coped with his carrots,
But M-J’s demeanour not the same;
Car exits were skillful, but losses of parrots
Needed sorting, or else we’re to blame!
St. Nazaire Bridge, I’ll not dissemble
Was coned-off, busy and steep;
Lorries were swerving, our legs all a-tremble -
A memory I’d rather not keep.
St Nazaire bridge
La Roche Bernard, where under its rock
Sandpiper and then Turtle-Dee
Were moored- while life taking stock
Deux Magots, the Auberge for me!
2 Magots
The unremitting sun shone on our back
We needed to drink more than hourly;
Relentlessly we rode on the track
That took us on down to Morlaix
M-J and Miranda - a happy crowd -
Paddy and Rob and the weather
All combined to do us proud
Cycling was really a pleasure.
Morlaix B&B
Santander through to Roscoff
Trips off the tongue would you say -
Next year, perhaps Vladivostock?
With Clive, every mile of the way.